Thank you so much for your time today teaching us how to not only be good but be the BEST of what we do! Your zest for success and energy is trully inspirational. You made a difference in each of our lives and look forward to seeing you very soon!!! Safe travels!
Warm regards, Krassi Diehl Group Sales Manager The Boston Harbor Hotel”
Thank you so much for this training. You really kept it real, which was soooo refreshing. I think we really needed to talk about some tough topics and not hide behind or worry about the politics. I was very impressed by the intimate knowledge you have of the hotel brands. I am so inspired by the person you are, the life you live and the career you have. I want to be you when I grow up. ~Laura”
“Hello Cindy,
I wanted to thank you once again for leading such an exceptional leadership class. It really was quite AMAZING! Observational Feedback: the presentation was exciting and engaging via your energy, friendliness and story telling and the information you taught is extremely applicable to us managers. You are a fantastic person and I’m thankful to have met you.
Best, Justin Eastwood”
“Good Afternoon Dearest Cindy,
I am certain my email will be one of hundredsss to you, however, I could not, not send you something…Like you, I meet many individuals on a daily basis and few catch my attention and my eye… YOU IMPRESS ME! Your positive energy, your enthusiasm, professionalism, overall we share a commonality of a ZEST FOR LIFE! Thank you for inspiring me, making me smile, and making me laugh, the best feeling in life! I wish you much continued success and happiness that you so deserve. Until we meet again, I wish you the best of the best.
Very Sincerely, Laureline Orsetti Corporate Sales Manager Balboa Bay Resort”
“Hi Cindy,
GREAT to see you again! I always love being in the presence of your positive (go get-um) energy! I wanted to let you know that I think of you everyday when I’m up-selling, negotiating additional room rental, menu planning, etc. I’ve done really well with adding room rental to the bottom line and this quarter is my best yet! My saying when I get into a tough client conversation is WWCD....What Would Cindy Do!
Thank you for all you wisdom, Tonya Director of Sales”
“Hi Cindy,
I have been meaning to write you a quick note to Thank You for the time you spent here with our team in Dallas. I know your schedule is demanding and for you to take the time out of your commitments for Todd Events is a truly incredible opportunity. You & Mary were so engaging and easy to relate too, I know not just our sales team but production crew sincerely enjoyed spending the two days with you both. You provided fantastic insight, inspiring concepts and really conveyed the ideas of authentic hospitality, service and hard work! I am excited for the year to come and know the changes we have in store here will allow us to become only that much more successful. I look forward to seeing and connecting with you again soon!
Best, Elizabeth Fenton todd events event producer”
“Hey Cindy,
You may not remember me but I certainly remember you. I use to work for Barclays then I discovered my truth/path. I set up almost 10 years ago from literally my home garage now i have an office and a work force of 77. I’ve recently been restructuring the leadership within my organisation and I reflected back to a coaching event you held in London. How can I get the best out off my team.... anyway, I just wanted to say hi and that the work you do is long lasting. Take care my dear and maybe our paths will cross again in the future. ~Carlton ”
“Hello my dear Cindy,
I really enjoyed your Monday Mentor Moment today :) Reminds me so much of your strength and laser sharp foresight that you always shared with me (and with so many others, too!)
My mother was vacationing here for the past two weeks - and I read to her your cool post about avoiding jet lag. As I was reading it out loud to her, I could literally “hear” the conviction in your voice and in your writing. I laughed out loud, and said, “Mom, I swear this is EXACTLY how Cindy is...she does not write this online just to sound good, but because she truly believes this! What you see is exactly what you get! I told her you were instrumental in getting us to travel the world without jet lag.
I realized at that very moment that your words of advice have always been with me...and I instantly felt so grateful to have you in life! I shared with my mom my sentiment, and she agreed. She also told me to let you know...”sometimes it’s nice to receive an unexpected nice note!”
So I suppose that’s my Monday Mentor Moment response :)