It is so easy to point fingers at others you work with but it may be more difficult to look at yourself. It is easy to identify bad habits. Always rushing to finish a project, shooting down others ideas, not listening and being disorganized. Many people live with a false sense of security. They believe they are the smartest, strongest, sharpest and best looking until someone comes along that highlights their weaknesses.
Your blind spots may stop you from growing in your career. Pay attention and be willing to take feedback so you can improve and grow.
So here are my tips for this week:
1. Stop missing appointments, deadlines and don’t fall short on your commitments
2. Get organized immediately
3. Don’t procrastinate – get it done and on time
4. Double check your work
5. Take responsibility for your goals
6. Don’t have an “It’s not my job” attitude. Do not be that person who won’t take on responsibility and is unwilling to sacrifice personal interests for a larger goal
7. Be willing to change – get out of your ‘rut’
8. Be positive
9. Create more value than expected
10. And…..most of all contribute to the success of the whole organization – not just your department